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Press & Presentations

Conference: American Society of Criminology (2022)

I present my research at the 2022 ASC Conference on crime and place titled: Leveraging Google Street View Imagery to Understand Crime Hot Spots: Research Questions and New Directions for Studying Micro-Level Environments

Conference: American Society of Criminology (2021)

I present my research at the 2021 ASC Conference on crime hot spots titled: The Concentration, Stability, and Overlap of Crime Hot Spots: Testing the .1% of Places

Conference: American Society of Criminology (2021)

Research I co-authored with Dr. Victoria Sytsma, and Vijay Chillar presented by Dr. Eric L. Piza: Police Use of Force as a Transactional Event: A Video Systematic Social Observation and Panel Regression Analysis


Media: Graduate Center CUNY Research and Innovation

Coverage on our research on the environmental composition of drug market hot spots using CCTV footage and Google Street View imagery. 

Media: Interview with (2019)

Interview on our research testing the impact of recreational marijuana dispensaries on crime in Denver, CO relative to the potential economic benefit.

Media: Interview with Crime and Justice Research Alliance (2019)

Interview on the impact of our research on recreational marijuana dispensaries on topics like decriminalization and legalization.

Media: Interview with the Graduate Center Research Office (2019)

Profile on my graduate school experience, research efforts, and why I made the move from smalltown Iowa to New York City.

Lecture: Crime and Place - Simpson College (2021)

I presented on concepts, research and applications of crime and place in the academe and practitioner spheres in an invited talk at my Alma Mater Simpon College.

Explore a collection of resources on recent conference presentations, interviews and other media engagements, and invited talks and lectures below.

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